0.3 More about the CLR process(Duplicate)

By the end of this lesson, you will have learned more about… The range of experiences feeding into CLR The certification process Keeping a project on track Mainstream energy efficiency approaches and the performance gap Closing the loop Retrofit risks: no-one can know everything 1. The range of experiences feeding into CLR In CarbonLite Retrofit, […]


  1. http://www.zerocarbonhub.org/sites/default/files/resources/reports/Design_vs_As_Built_Performance_Gap_End_of_Term_Report_0.pdf As at November 2015 the Hub’s stated ambition was still that: “from 2020, we will be able to demonstrate that at least 90% of all new homes meet or perform better than the designed energy / carbon performance.”
  2. CoRE Retrofit Live, April 2015.
  3. http://www.aecb.net/carbonlite/omnisense-remote-monitoring-system/
  4. http://www.aecb.net/forum/index.php/topic,4477.msg15908.html#msg15908
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